Animal Models

Overview of Services

The UNC Animal Models Core Facility provides mouse and cell line genetic modification services, reagents and related technologies. We have developed deep expertise in the use of CRISPR/Cas9 nucleases for genome editing, enabling us to offer the full range of CRISPR-related services. We also offer conventional transgenesis and ES cell gene targeting services where appropriate. The Core’s services are available to both UNC and Non-UNC clients. Contact us today to discuss your project needs.

CRISPR/Cas9 Mouse Genome Engineering: CRISPR/Cas9 technology allows production of knockout, knock-in or conditional knockout mice by direct pronuclear injection in embryos. This allows production of your mutant strain in as little as 3-4 months. CRISPR-mediated editing does not require the use of selectable markers, allowing precise insertion of point mutations (e.g. SNPs), protein tags, humanization, etc. Targeted transgenesis at the Rosa26 locus is also now routinely performed directly in mouse embryos. CRISPR genome editing is often performed in C57BL/6 strain, but many other mouse strains can also be used as needed for desired phenotypic characteristics.

Cell Line Engineering and CRISPR/Cas9 Reagent Production: We offer full-service cell line genome editing in customer-provided cell lines. Our expertise in genome engineering and mutation characterization make us a natural choice for cell line projects. We’ll work with you to define project goals and then use your cells to introduce the desired mutations. We can also design, produce and validate custom CRISPR guide RNAs for DIY cell line editing.

Conventional Transgenic and BAC Transgenic Mouse Production: Services for creating transgenic mice include transgene design, construct generation, isolation of the transgene fragment, pronuclear microinjection, founder genotyping and breeding. The core also offers BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) recombineering and BAC transgene microinjection services. Transgenic mice are routinely generated in C57BL/6 strain, with other strains such as FVB, hybrid or customer-provided strains available upon request.

ES Cell Gene Targeting: We offer conventional and CRISPR-stimulated gene targeting in ES cells from C57BL/6, BALB/c or 129P2/Ola strains. Services include design and cloning of targeting vectors, creating gene-targeted ES cells, clone screening, Southern blot validation, ES cell blastocyst microinjection to create transmitting chimeras and chimera breeding for germline transmission and selectable marker removal. An exciting new development is the use of CRISPR-stimulated targeting to replace whole mouse genes with their human counterparts.

Mouse Reproductive Services. We offer mouse reproductive services including sperm and embryo cryopreservation, strain resuscitation from frozen embryos or sperm, strain rederivation and in vitro fertilization (IVF).


Dale Cowley, PhD Facility Director 919-843-9125

Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

Monday - Friday 

8AM - 5PM

109 Mason Farm Rd

516 Taylor Hall

Chapel Hill, NC 27599

Links and Resources



Name Role Phone Email Location
Dale Cowley, PhD
Facility Director
502 Taylor Hall
Donna Bortner, PhD
Facility Leadership Team
504 Taylor Hall
Kim Kluckman, MBA
Facility Leadership Team
506 Taylor Hall