MHI Cardiovascular Physiology and Phenotyping Core (CPPC)
The MHI Cardiovascular Physiology and Phenotyping Core (CPPC) provides surgical, imaging and functional assessment services with a focus on cardiovascular system in rodents.
Services (Please contact the Core before the first order):
1. Animal models and microsurgery*
Myocardial Infarction (LCA permanent ligation, verified by ECG measurement)**
Ischemia-Reperfusion (LCA temporary ligation, verified by ECG measurement)**
Pressure Overload (Aortic constriction, verified by PW Doppler ultrasound)**
Minipump/Telemetry Implantation in mice and rats
Arterial and venous cannulation
Carotid or renal artery ligation
ferric chloride-induced thrombosis model
Cardiac arrest/resuscitation murine model
Customized surgeries
* Mice are discounted the full price if a. They do not make it off the surgical table or b. Technical failure: the blood flow velocity in TAC mice or ECG signal in MI mice does not match the requirement. ** The PW Doppler measurement and ECG measurement are included in services. Data are available upon reques.
2. Echocardiographic and electrocardiographic studies
B/M mode (parasternal long or short axis view of the left ventricle) in conscious mice
Color Doppler and Pulsed Wave Doppler (Apical four chamber view or blood flow velocity)
ECG measurement
3. Isolation of adult and neonatal cardiomyocytes
Langendorff-perfusion based isolation of adult cardiomyocytes
4. Functional assessments of cardiovascular phenotypes
PV loops
Langendorff and working heart system
Invasive blood pressure measurement
5. Equipment rent
Vevo2100 Ultrasound system (Echocardiography)
CODA® High Throughput System (Non-invasive blood pressure measurement)
Surgical table with Zeiss two-head surgical Microscope
Surgical implantation of an Isoproterenol Mini-Pump to Induce cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure
ECG measurement
Mouse ECG measurement.
Echo - B/M mode
Ultrasound images of the left ventricle in the long axis, short asix or four chamber view.
Echo - Doppler
1. Color and pulsed wave Doppler to measure blood flow direction and flow velocity. 2. Mitral valve Doppler in apical four chamber view to assess E′, A′, and S waves.
Ferric Chloride Carotid Artery Thrombosis Assay
FeCl3 Induced Carotid Arterial Injury Thrombosis Model. The blood flow will be monitored using the Transonic Flowmeter.
Ischemia-Reperfusion (I-R) - 45minsPer sample
Temporary ligation of left coronary artery for 30- 45 mins to induce Ischemia/Reperfusion. ECG measurement is used to monitor Ischemia and Reperfusion.
Mouse Adult Cardiomyocytes
Isolation of mouse adult cardiomyocytes using the Langendorff-based method.
Myocardial Infarction (MI)
Permanent ligation of left coronary artery to induce myocardia infarction.
PV loops or Right or Left ventricular pressure measurements
Telemery Implantation
Surgical implantation of telemetry devices for measuring physiologic signals such as pressure, biopotential, activity and temperature.
Telemetry Implantation
Transverse aortic constriction (TAC)
Partially aortic binding to induce in LV hypertrophy. The severity of TAC is determined by Doppler ultrasound measurements.
Ultrasound images of the left ventricle in the long axis, short asix or four chamber view.
Echo - Doppler
1. Color and pulsed wave Doppler to measure blood flow direction and flow velocity. 2. Mitral valve Doppler in apical four chamber view to assess E′, A′, and S waves.
PV loops or Right or Left ventricular pressure measurements
Surgical implantation of an Isoproterenol Mini-Pump to Induce cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure
Ferric Chloride Carotid Artery Thrombosis Assay
FeCl3 Induced Carotid Arterial Injury Thrombosis Model. The blood flow will be monitored using the Transonic Flowmeter.
Ischemia-Reperfusion (I-R) - 45minsPer sample
Temporary ligation of left coronary artery for 30- 45 mins to induce Ischemia/Reperfusion. ECG measurement is used to monitor Ischemia and Reperfusion.
Myocardial Infarction (MI)
Permanent ligation of left coronary artery to induce myocardia infarction.
Telemery Implantation
Surgical implantation of telemetry devices for measuring physiologic signals such as pressure, biopotential, activity and temperature.
Transverse aortic constriction (TAC)
Partially aortic binding to induce in LV hypertrophy. The severity of TAC is determined by Doppler ultrasound measurements.