Some institutions were affected last week with having their billing files sent from iLab to their financial system. This has been resolved and files were sent, as one, from iLab to the institution financial system over the weekend. Going forward, files will post as normal, during the regular times that were built with your custom financial integration. If there are any issues with your billng file, open a new help ticket, by clicking on Help at the top right of your account page or by emailing

INACTIVE Systems Genetic Core Facility

Overview of Services

The core provides Collabortive Cross mice and genotypes to investigators both at UNC Chapel Hill and at other institutions.


The Collaborative Cross (CC) is a large panel of recently established recombinant inbred (RI) mouse lines specifically designed to overcome the limitations of existing genetic resources and to act as an optimal murine model of heterogeneous human populations.


The goal of the program is to conduct research that (i) in determining the funtion of many of the genes identified by the human genome program, (ii) in providing mouse models for genetic diseases, and (iii) makes populations of mice that mimic the human population for elucidation of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs).


Name Role Phone Email Location
Darla Miller
Project Manager
(919) 843-6471

Marty Ferris
Faculty Core Advisor

Mike Harriss

Rachel Lynch
Core Director