NORC Clinical and Community Human Assessment and Interventions Core

Overview of the Core

The UNC Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC) Clinical and Community Human Assessment and Interventions Core is comprised of three service areas:

  • Behavioral Assessment
  • Clinical Assessment 
  • Intervention

Behavioral Assessment

The Core's Behavioral Assessment services are located in the Gillings School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Since its start in 2004, the Core's Behavioral Assessment services have provided cutting edge services to researchers across the nation in the areas of diet and physical activity. Our areas of expertise include: 24-hour diet recalls, Food Frequency Questionnaires, Food Records, Accelerometry, Physical Activity Assessments, and Proposal Development. From the proposal to the publication, the Core is here to provide you with expertise, support, and superior customer service for all your project needs!

Clinical Assessment

The Core's Clinical Assessment services are a clinical facility located within the UNC Nutrition Research Institute on the North Carolina Research Campus in Kannapolis, NC just 30 minutes north of Charlotte. It is complete with examination rooms and equipment, pharmacy, phlebotomy laboratory, specimen laboratory, and furnished consultation rooms. For nutrition intervention studies, it offers a metabolic kitchen specifically designed to support nutrition research.

The Core's Clinical Assessment services offer state-of-the-art resources and support for investigators through:

    • Human metabolism and body composition assessments
    • Clinical laboratory and support services
    • Preparation and delivery of precisely designed meals for study participants

The Core's Clinical Assessment services provides human nutrition research investigators with multidisciplinary services and equipment in one location. In service since 2008, it continues to expand to meet the needs of its investigators, and encourages collaborative as well as independent research.


The Core's Intervention services offer state of the art techniques and resources for the development of behavioral science interventions aimed at health promotion and disease prevention.

The Core is a one-stop shop for investigators looking to add value to their research studies in the areas of technology, user inquiry, and graphic design. The Core uses state-of-the-art technologies to facilitate the translation of traditional evidence-based behavioral interventions into effective web- and mobile-based interventions in nutrition and obesity. Go to the Core's Intervention website for additional information or to place an order:

Leadership and Staff

Name Role Phone Email Location
Deborah Tate, PhD Director, Intervention Services (919) 966-7546 Chapel Hill, NC
Kimberly Parker Truesdale, PhD Director, Behavioral Assessment Services (919) 966-2327 Chapel Hill, NC
Saroja Voruganti, PhD Director, Clinical Assessment Services (704) 250-5009 Kannapolis, NC

Location and hours of operation

Clinical Assessment Services 500 Laureate Way
Monday - Friday, 8am-4pm and by appointment Kannapolis, NC 28031
Behavioral Assessment Services 2219 McGavran Greenberg Hall
Monday - Friday, 9am - 9pm EST Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Sunday, 1pm-6pm EST  

Links and Resources

  2. CHAI Core: Behavioral Assessment (DPAC)
  3. CHAI Core: Clinical Assessment (Clinical Research Core)


Name Role Phone Email Location
Ashley Irwin
Managing Director, NORC
(919) 843-8423
Chapel Hill, NC
Kimberly Parker Truesdale, PhD
Director, Behavioral Assessment
(919) 966-2327
Chapel Hill, NC
Saroja Voruganti, PhD
Director, Clinical Assessment
(704) 250-5009
Kannapolis, NC
Deborah Tate, PhD
Director, Intervention
(919) 966-7546
Chapel Hill, NC

Price List

Search available services: View: by category alphabetically
Behavioral Assessment (14)
Clinical Assessment (19)