NORC GEM Core: Metabolic Phenotyping

Overview of Services

Formerly known as the NORC Animal Metabolism Phenotyping Core, the metabolic phenotyping component of the new Genomics and Energy Metabolism (GEM) Core provides contemporary phenotyping techniques for metabolism and energy balance in mouse models of nutrition and disease.

GEM Core: Metabolic Phenotyping offers technical support and expertise for measuring traits related to metabolism in mouse models of obesity and nutritionally relevant disease. With locations in Chapel Hill and Kannapolis, the Core provides access to state-of-the-art methods, equipment, and populations to support high quality and high throughput phenotyping of energy balance components in mice.


Please submit service requests at least 2 weeks ahead of your preferred project start date to allow for scheduling.

Core staff will respond to your requests with a confirmation or alternative options within one business day.


Our productivity and effectiveness as a Center is measured in part by the citation of our grant in your published work.
Please acknowledge National Institutes of Health grant 
 in all publications resulting from the use of our services.


Raz Shaikh, PhD
Core Director - Chapel Hill
phone: (919) 843-4348

Isis Trujill-Gonzalez, PhD
Core Co-Director - UNC Nutrition Research Institute
phone: (704) 250-5041



Location and hours of operation

Hours Locations


8 AM - 5 PM 



Monday - Friday 

  Core Manager Office
135 Dauer Dr
Michael Hooker Research
Chapel Hill, NC, 27599

120 Mason Farm Road

Genetic Medicine Building
Room UB 54, UB 55
Chapel Hill, NC, 27599

301 Pharmacy Lane

Kerr B244
Chapel Hill, NC 27599



Links and Resources

  1. The GEM Core: Metabolic Phenotyping Website 
  2. UNC Nutrition Obesity Research Center
  3. NORC Central


Name Role Phone Email Location
Raz Shaikh, PhD
Director - Chapel Hill
(919) 843-4348
Chapel Hill, NC
Isis Trujillo, PhD
Co-Director - Nutrition Research Institute
(704) 250-5041
Kannapolis, NC
Meagan D. Bridges, MS
Manager - Chapel Hill
(919) 843-5145
Chapel Hill, NC
Erika Rezeli
Manager - Seahorse Services
(919) 966-5590
Chapel Hill, NC

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