BioSpecimen Processing Facility

Overview of Services

The UNC BSP is a centralized, quality controlled and quality assured facility for the processing, storage and disbursement of human specimens.  The facility has 1070 square ft of laboratory space geared for high throughput processing of human biospecimens, with specific emphasis on DNA extraction.


The Facility provides laboratory support for investigator-initiated large-scale clinical, epidemiologic, and other studies and functions as a human biospecimen repository. It also serves as a resource for clinicians who wish to store and study samples from unusual or potentially important patients.


In addition to laboratory services, the facility provides a scientific resource for investigators seeking advice on study design including specimen collection and storage methods, and human subject issues.  Additionally, core staff will act as a liaison to other UNC core facilities.


Our mission is to provide a cost-effective UNC facility to process biospecimens from population, clinical, and other studies.

Facility Staff

Name Role Phone Email Location
Patricia Basta Faculty Director 919-843-3860 MHRC rm 3003
Hannah Lee Dixon Research Specialist 919-966-7738 MHRC rm 3213

Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

Monday - Friday

8:30 AM - 5:30 PM     

135 Dauer Dr.

Chapel Hill, NC 27599  

Links and Resources



Name Role Phone Email Location
Patricia Basta
Faculty Director
MHRC Rm. 3003
Hannah Lee Dixon
Research Specialist
MHRC Rm. 3213
