Microscopy Services Laboratory (MSL)

Our mission is to help you with your research

We provide training, assistance and services in light microscopy, electron microscopy and image analysis.

Get started

    • Schedule equipment using our calendar.
  • New to MSL?
  1. If you have never used iLabs before, you must register (click "Register" button on top right of this website. If the button is not there, that means you have already registered and signed in).
  2. Once registered, you can sign in (click "Sign in" button on top right of this website. If the button is not there, that means you have already registered and signed in).
  3. If you want to prepare samples for EM, please fill out our EM sample preparation form.
  4. If you want to use our instruments, you must be trained by a staff member. Request training in:


 Light microscopy trainings will not be scheduled from July 20- August 4th.


Name Role Phone Email Location
MSL - General inquires (Pablo Ariel)


Pablo Ariel
MSL Director

Kristen White
Research Specialist

Jillann Madren
Research Specialist

Victoria Madden
Research Specialist emerita


Available Equipment and Resources

Name Price
LSM900 - Lupin (R2) View calendar
LSM710 (R2) View calendar
BX61 - Neville (R2) View calendar
IX81 - Luna (R2) View calendar
Ultramicroscope II - Snape (R11) View calendar
Analysis Workstation - Minerva (R4) View calendar
Dragonfly - Hermione (R2) View calendar
Spinning disk confocal - Hagrid (R2) View calendar
WILD - Bucky (R2) View calendar
JEM 1230 (R1) View calendar
SUPRA 25 (R1) View calendar
Biosafety cabinet View calendar
100X/1.40 Oil Objective View calendar
IX70 - Moody View calendar
LEO 910 View calendar
LSM700 View calendar
