UNC Flow Cytometry Core Facility

Facility Website



Bring your badge to access the core. Safety has always been the Core’s priority. For more information, see page.  


Join our Teams page HERE for upcoming events and interesing papers 


Note the following Core policies:

Cancellation Policies

BioSaftey Policies




Consultation Requests 

Staff is happy to consult with you on: 

Initiate Request for Consultation Service. Note consultations are FREE for UNC investigators.   


Staff-assisted Cell Sorting Requests 

We offer the ability to sort a range of particles in our facility including, but not limited to: lymphocytes, tumor digests, cell lines, bacteria, yeast, single cell deposition into wells, tissue digests, virus-infected cells, beads, etc. We have the capability to sort BSL1 to BSL2+ samples. We do not currently have the capability to sort BSL3 and above items. We use nozzles ranging from 70-100 um. Required reading: Sorting GuidesPractical Cell Sorting and the UNC Flow Cytometry Core Facility Sorting SOP. This request is to isolate a population of cells from a sample for downstream analysis.

  1. Initiate Sorting Request
  2. Fill form thoroughly, accurately, and completely

**Note: Staff checks submissions daily, however, availability depends on instrument AND staff time. Notice of 1 week is preferred; however, times/dates are not guaranteed. Staff do their best to meet your preferred time/date.

  1. Staff will reach out once the form is submitted to confirm a time/date.

**Note: Responses are expected within 48 hours (about 2 days). Instruments are used by independent users and staff, ALL TIMES GIVEN ARE TENTATIVE until the appointment is made.

  1. If any changes occur between form submission and the appointment, make sure to update the form AND email staff so any adjustments can be made if necessary.
  2. Arrive at the appointment with the samples prepared as described in the UNC FCCF Sorting Guide.
  3. Staff will upload data to OneDrive and send you a link to the folder via email. This link will also be available via the iLabs request once the request is completed.


If you have questions or would like to speak with staff prior to scheduling a sort appointment, submit a Consultataion Request (free). 


Staff-assisted Acquistion Requests 

We offer acquisition services on all of our analyzer instruments. We have a wide variety of instruments that suit various experimental needs (See our website for the full list and optical configurations). Staff is happy to consult with panel and experimental design to ensure successful analysis as well. This request is to have staff run fully prepared samples and provide you with data files for analysis.   

  1.  Initiate Acquisition Request
  2. Fill form thoroughly, accurately, and completely

**Note: Staff checks submissions daily, however, availability depends on instrument AND staff time. Notice of 1 week is preferred; however, times/dates are not guaranteed. Staff do their best to meet your preferred time/date.

  1. Staff will reach out once the form is submitted to confirm a time/date.

**Note: Responses are expected within 48 hours (about 2 days). Instruments are used by independent users and staff, ALL TIMES GIVEN ARE TENTATIVE until the appointment is made.

  1. If any changes occur between form submission and the appointment, make sure to update the form AND email staff so any adjustments can be made if necessary.
  2. Arrive at the appointment at the appropriate time.
  3. Staff will upload data to OneDrive and send you a link to the folder via email. This link will also be available via the iLabs request once the request is completed.


Training Requests 

Information on the complete training process is located on our website here 

Introductory Training 

  • New customers must complete Work-Flow online class in order to request Instrument-Specific Training 
  • Initiate Request for Introductory Training Registration to sign up and you will be contacted within 2 business days with information to proceed. 
  • Once you have completed the modules, please review the UNC-specific module for Core specific information and policies. 

Analyzer Training Requests 

We offer training on all our analyzers in our facility. Once completed you will have 24/7 independent access to the instrument trained on. This process begins with online modules completed at your own pace followed by instrument-specific training with staff. Note, instrument training may take several sessions depending on staff's judgement of user ability. Independent access to the instrument is done at staff discretion.  

  • After completing the Introductory Training, fill out the Instrument Training Request Form to schedule your Instrument-Specific Training. Please allow 2 business days for staff to respond.  
  • Initial instrument training is conducted with core-provided beads. Within 2 weeks, you are required to run an acquisition appointment with your cells under direction of your trainer. Plan accordingly as staff schedules are often busy.  
  • If you are already trained on an instrument in the core and would like training on a different instrument, fill out the Instrument Training Form (refresher or additional instruments form.

For information on available analyzers and their optical configurations refer to our website. For help choosing an instrument that best fits your needs, you can refer to this chart or email staff at uncflowcyto@med.unc.edu  


Independent Cell Sorting Training Requests 


We offer training to independently sort BSL-1 non-biohazardous material on the Melody instrument. Those who wish to be trained must complete the necessary online module is Work-flow (Cytometry Select 1- Cell Sorting along with the Flow Cytometry Essentials course; to get access to Work-Flow see Introductory Training ) as well as meet the eligibility requirements outline on our website here Note, instrument training may take several sessions depending on staff's judgement of user ability.

To Request Cell Sorting Training: Fill out the 'Instrument Training Form (refresher or addional instruments)' form under 'Request Services' Tab. If you have not been trained on any other instruments in the core, see "Introductory Training" above. 

Independent access to the instrument is done at staff discretion. Once training has been completed, independent users may operate the instrument at any time during Core hours given availability on the schedule. If afterhours access is requested, additional training is required.



FlowJo Site License 

We provide site licenses for the FlowJo portal for our users. Users are charged annually. Note, we will charge the account to the PI you were with when the license was made, not necessarily the PI you are with when we send the bill out. If you change labs, let staff know. 

We offer two different licenses: 

  1.  Individual: Attached to an individual email. Can be used up to 4 separate PCs (only 4 per year). These computers cannot be used at the same time and should be used by one individual. 
  2. Shared PC:  Attached to a PC address (Single PC), typically a lab computer. Any user (with a [free] FlowJo account ) can then use the software but only on that PC. 

To request a site license, submit a Data Analysis Software License Request . FlowJo offers a 30-day free trial, if you are interested in trying the software out prior to buying the license.  


FCS Express 7 License 

We provide a license to access FCSE7 to our users. Users are charged annually. Note, we will charge the account to the PI you were with when the license was made, not necessarily the PI you are with when we send the bill out. If you change labs, let staff know. 

To request a license, submit a Data Analysis Software License Request .Email uncflowstaff@med.unc.edu with questions. FCES7 is available for a 30-day free trial here.  


Name Role Phone Email Location
Ramiro Diz
B025 Marsico Hall
Janet Dow
Research Specialist
B023 Marsico Hall
Ayrianna Woody
Research Specialist
B023 Marsico Hall
Flow Facility Inbox

B023 Marsico Hall
Robert (Bob) Immormino
Research Specalist
B023 Marsico Hall

Service Rate List

Search available services: View: by category alphabetically
CellRaft (3)
Equipment Setup Charges (1)
Technical Assistance & Consultation (2)
Training (2)
